
We are offering workshops online, both recorded and live via Zoom. Please scroll down for the live workshop schedule.

Online Workshops

Access these workshop 24/7 with this link.

  • Demystifying Transfer: Debunking popular misconceptions about the transfer process.
  • Financing your Bachelor's Degree: Information on resources and strategies to pay for a 4 year university.
  • Preparing to TAG: Learn about the program that guarantees admission to certain UC campuses.
  • Ready? Set? Apply! Essential information about application timelines and where to start.
  • TAG Application Help: For students about to apply, information regarding the UC TAG criteria.
  • The Common App: How to complete the Common Application for private and out of state schools.
  • Tips for Succeeding as a Transfer Student: 5 tips on what to do after being admitting to a 4-year university.
  • Transfer 101 (in English and Spanish): Detailed overview of the transfer process from a California community college to a 4 year university. You should start here if you haven't attended this workshop before.
  • Transfer Transitions: What you need to know about transitioning from SRJC to a 4 year university.
  • UC Personal Insight Questions: Tips, tricks, and brainstorming for the Personal Insight Questions.
  • Year One's Done: So you've completed some general education and earned transferrable units, now what? We have some ideas!

*Transfer Basics for Parents (can be accessed without SRJC credentials)

Monthly Live Workshop Schedule

We will be offering the following workshops in-person or through Zoom. If by Zoom, please use the link to join the workshop at the time indicated.

All workshops and events are also listed on our calendar.


Date Time In-Person Location Zoom
Choosing your Transfer Major Tuesday, March 11 11 am-12 pm Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor Room 4733 Link
Transfer 101 Tuesday, March 25 3-4 pm Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor Room 4733 Link
Financing your Bachelors Degree Tuesday, April 15 11 am-12 pm Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor Room 4733 Link
Career Panel Wednesday, April 16 6-7 pm Jacobs Hall, Room 116 (PET Intercultural Center)  
Transfer Panel Tuesday, April 29 4-5 pm Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor Room 4733 Link
Preparing to TAG Wednesday, April 30 3-4 pm Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor Room 4733  

*Workshop in collaboration with EOPS, Lanzamiento and/or the Intercultural Center

Transfer Talks 

If you have questions about transferring, we have answers! Bring your lunch and join us for casual conversations regarding transferring to a four-year university.

Date Time In-Person Location
Every Wednesday & Thursday 1-2 pm Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor Room 4733