SRJC Transfer Day: Exploring SSU

Join us on Tuesday, March 27th from 10-3 pm at the Student Activities Center (SAC), 1st floor of Bertolini to learn about what Sonoma State University (SSU) has to offer you! You will learn about transfer requirements, programs and resources, and more. This event is open to everyone that is interested in transfer.

Register here.

Time Events
10-11 am First Steps presentation
11 am-2 pm LOBO Building Blocks Transfer Center Lightning Talks
2-3 pm Next Steps Presentation


Lightning Talks

Join us in the Transfer Center at 2nd floor, Bertolini Student Center to learn more about the programs below.

Time Program
10:45-10:55 am TRIO
11-11:10 am Educational Opportunity Program
11:15-11:25 am Seawolf Scholars (foster youth)
11:30-11:40 am Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Student Achievement Program (ASAP)
11:45-11:55 am MESA
12-12:10 pm Disability Services for Students
12:15-12:25 pm Counseling and Psychological Services
12:30-12:40 pm Health Professions Advisory Program
12:45-12:55 pm International Student Scholarships
1-1:10 pm Military and Veteran Resource Center (MAVRC)
1:15-1:25 pm Male Success Inititative
1:30-1:40 pm Learning and Academic Resource Center (LARC)
1:45-1:55 pm Career Center