Amy Merkel

photo of amy merkel
Counselor/Transfer Center Director
2nd Floor Bertolini

Hello! I am a full-time Counselor and Transfer Center Director at Santa Rosa Junior College, and besides counseling students one-on-one in my office, I also teach various courses within the Counseling Department. My tenure at SRJC started in 2005 and I feel I have the best job on campus - I love working individually with students as they figure out their educational journey, but also enjoy teaching students new skills to enhance their success.

Just like you, I attended a community college and believe the education I received at my community college enabled me to succeed at the four-year university. Like many of you have or will, I changed my major while in college. I first majored in business with the hopes of becoming an accountant, but within my first semester of my junior year I realized I was in the wrong place. Through my college's Career Center, I went through the career development process and decided to major in Child Development. After working in that field for a few years, I returned to school for my Masters Degree in Counseling and know I have definitely ended up in the right place!

I look forward to meeting you!
