UCD Tag selective Major Requirement


  • Majors include: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Biological Sciences; Cell Biology; Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity; Genetics and Genomics; Marine and Coastal Science with a focus in Marine Ecology and Organismal Biology; Molecular and Medical Microbiology; Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior; Plant Biology; and Systems and Synthetic Biology
  • Requires overall transferable GPA 3.20

Students must complete the following courses and maintain a 2.50 GPA in each of the following three series.

UCD Courses SRJC Courses

Math 17 A/B/C


Math 21A

Math 21B

No Courses Articulated


Math 1A

Math 1B


UCD Courses SRJC Courses

Chemistry 2A

Chemistry 2B

Chemistry 2C

Chemistry 3A and 3AL

Chemistry 3B


UCD Courses SRJC Courses**

Biological Sciences 2A

Biological Sciences 2B

Biological Sciences 2C

Biology 2.1

Biology 2.2 and 2.3

Biology 2.2 and 2.3

Additional Recommendation:

It is strongly recommended that students complete the following Physics and Chemistry courses. Completion of these courses will help the student move more efficiently toward graduation. Courses must be taken for a letter grade, with no grade less than “C”. These courses are not assessed as part of a College of Biological Sciences major course group GPA.


 UCD Courses SRJC Courses

Physics 7A

Physics 7B

Physics 7C

Physics 20A

Physics 20B


UCD Courses SRJC Courses

Organic Chemistry 8A

Organic Chemistry 8B


Organic Chemistry 118A

Organic Chemistry 118B

Organic Chemistry 118C

Chemistry 8


Chemistry 12A

Chemistry 12B


  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology majors must complete Organic Chemistry 118A/B/C rather than 8A/B.
  • Marine and Coastal Science majors with a focus in Marine Ecology and Organismal Biology are encouraged to complete Organic Chemistry 8A/B; however, students may substitute Chemistry 118A/B/C.
  • Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior majors are strongly encouraged to complete the physics series prior to transfer.