UCD Tag selective Major Requirement

Electrical Engineering MAJOR REQUIREMENTS

College of Engineering
  • Requires overall transferable GPA 3.50

Complete the following courses and maintain a 3.50 GPA in the entire group of courses.

UCD Courses SRJC Courses
Chemistry 2A Chemistry 3A and 3AL

Electrical Computer Engineering 7


Engineering Computer Sci 36A

No Course Articulated


CS 17.11

Engineering 17 Engineering 16

Math 21A

Math 21B

Math 21C

Math 21D

Math 22A

Math 22B

Math 1A

Math 1B

Math 1C

Math 1C

Math 5

Math 2

Physics 9A

Physics 9B

Physics 9C

Physics 9D

Physics 40

Physics 41

Physics 42

Physics 43


Additional Recommendations:

UCD Courses SRJC Courses

Communication 1


Engineering 3

Communication 1


No Course Articulated

Engineering 6 Engineering 6

English 3


University Writing Program 1

English 1B


English 1A OR 5