UCM TAG Selective Major Criteria

School of Engineering

Majors in the School of Engineering require a minimum GPA of 3.0. (Bioengineering & Civil Engineering not currently open for TAG). The TAG requires you to complete the following UC Merced course requirements prior to enrolling in the University with at least 50% of the required coursework completed prior to submitting TAG application:

UCM Courses SRJC Courses
Math 21 Math 1A
Math 22 Math 1B
Math 23 Math 1C
Math 24 Math 2 and 5
Chem 2 (not required for Comp Sci & Eng) Chem 3A and 3AL
Phys 8/8L Phys 40 & 41
Phys 9/9L Phys 41 & 42
Computer Science and Engineering Major: CSE 20 and 21 (must be completed with grades of B or better) CS 10A and 10B