UC Davis TAG Requirements

UC Davis Fall 2025
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When to write a TAG: 
  • UCD will accept TAGs September 1 - 30.
  • Students must also submit the UC admissions application by November 30.

TAG Not Available for the Following Majors: Computer Science and Data Science majors. 

Eligibility Criteria: 
  • 30 transferable units completed (and grades posted) at time of writing TAG (30 unit minimum can include AP and IB credit).
  • 60 transferable units completed by the end of spring.
  • Meet UC admission requirements in English and math, one English course and one math course completed by the end of fall, the second English course can be completed in spring. The remainder of the courses required for the 7-course eligibility requirement must be completed by the end of spring.
  • Minimum transferable GPA varies by college (see below). Students must meet the GPA requirement at the time the TAG is written and maintain it through the remainder of their transfer work, with no grade below a “C”.
  • Students must meet or exceed the minimum group GPA for their selective major from the time their TAGs are submitted up to the time of enrollment.
  • The last school you attend prior to transferring must be a California community college.

TAG Criteria by College:

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

  • Overall 3.20 GPA
  • The following majors are considered Selective Majors and have other course completion and GPA requirements posted on the SRJC Transfer Center website and in the UC Davis TAG website. 
    • Biotechnology
    • Managerial Economics
    • Viticulture and Enology
  • For the Landscape Architecture major students submit their TAG for Pre-Landscape Architecture. Refer to the UC Davis TAG website for additional information.

College of Biological Sciences 

  • Overall 3.20 GPA
  • All majors in the College of Biological Sciences are considered Selective Majors. Please refer to additional course completion and GPA requirements posted on the SRJC Transfer Center website and the UC Davis TAG website

College of Engineering 

  • Overall 3.50 GPA
  • All majors in the College of Engineering are considered Selective Majors. Please refer to additional course completion and GPA requirements posted on the SRJC Transfer Center website and in the UC Davis TAG website.

College of Letters and Science

  • Overall 3.20 GPA
  • The following majors are considered Selective Majors and have other course completion and GPA requirements posted on the SRJC Transfer Center website and the UC Davis TAG website.
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Applied Physics
    • Economics
    • Mathematics
    • Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research
    • Mathematical and Scientific Computations
    • Physics
    • Psychology
TAGs are NOT available for:
  • Students who have baccalaureate degrees.
  • Students attending high school in fall 2024, even if simultaneously enrolled at a CCC.
  • Former UC students who left UC not in good academic standing.
  • Former UC Davis students except for students enrolled only in summer sessions.
  • Students who have a combination of lower division, upper division, and UC units that are equal or greater than 80 (“senior standing”). All lower division units, whether from a 2- year and/or 4-year college/university are limited to a maximum of 70 semester units toward the UC degree and do not put applicants at risk of being denied admission for excessive units. Exception: The College of Engineering will consider applicants who have 80 or more semester (120 quarter) units of transfer credit after UC lower-division unit limitations and exclusions have been applied.
Selective Majors TAG Requirements